
Delivery times

  • Electronic articles and book chapters: 24 hours to 4 days
  • Books and other physical items
    • from a Canadian library: 1 to 4 weeks
    • from a U.S. library: 4 to 8 weeks
    • from a library outside North America: 3 months or longer

Check the status of your request any time from your OneSearch account.

Receiving your item

For electronic articles and book chapters, we will email your MUN email address when your item is ready. Links to digital Document Delivery items will expire, so remember to save the PDF on your device when it arrives. 

For physical items like books, we will email your MUN email address when your item is ready for pickup at your selected location.

Loan period and renewals

The loan period for physical items is usually 2–3 weeks from the date of arrival in the library.

Renewals may be possible depending on the item and the lending library. Request a renewal of a physical item from your OneSearch account.

Returning items

Physical items like books must be returned to the same library branch from which you picked them up.