Request a Journal from Storage
Many of our journal lissues are now available to Memorial students, faculty and staff electronically. Paper versions of these issues have been moved to storage at the QEII Library. These paper versions are still available to all users. Issues will be retrieved from storage Monday to Friday, using the email form below.
Issues requested before noon will be available for pickup (where the pickup library is indicated as the QEII) or delivery to a branch library by 4:00pm. Issues requested after noon will be available for pickup or delivery by 10:00am of the next regular business day.
Where the pickup library is the QEII, issues will be avialble at the Periodicals Information Desk. Opening hours of the desk are found in our services hours.
For all other libraries, issues will be sent to the Circulation Department of the pickup library indicated. Staff there will arrange for pickup and return to the QEII.
Issues are available for in-library consultation by all users. Sign-out is available to graduate students, research assistants and faculty only.
DistancePlus users should use Document Delivery to request items.
To request a journal from storage, click on your library's email to open a template with details you can fill out or email us directly with the information below.
- QEII -
- HSL -
- Grenfell -
- MI -
Required Information
About You:
- Name
- Phone
- Status (undergraduate, graduate, faculty, research assistant, staff, guest)
About the Item:
- Journal Title
- Volume
- Issue
- Date
The personal information collected here is used to administer and provide library services. Personal information is collected under the authority of the Memorial University Act (RSNL 1990 Chapter M-7). If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information, please contact the University Librarian at (709) 864-7428.
By completing and submitting this information, you consent to this collection of your personal information for the purpose outlined above.