
The majority of maps in the collection (print and microfiche) can circulate under the same rules as books, in terms of length of loan and to whom: faculty, graduate students and research associates for four months, and undergraduate students and other borrowers for two weeks.

Other library policies also apply regarding recalls, holds, renewals, lost books, and late fees. An up-to-date Memorial ID card is required to sign out materials from the Map Room.

Materials located in Map-Atlas are signed out at the QEII Library circulation desk. All other Map Room materials are signed out from the Map Room with a valid Memorial ID Card.

Items that do not circulate without Map Room staff permission are:

  • Reference materials - Handbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias gazetteers, etc.
  • Large Atlases - Shelved in OS Atlas 1 and OS Atlas 2
  • Maps required for Reserve for courses
  • Maps that are in a fragile state

Please refer to the Queen Elizabeth II's borrowing policy for further information.

Policy Updated February 14, 2008