US Newspapers in the Maritime History Research Collection

American and Commercial Daily Advertiser, 1804-1856.

Baltimore American, 1857-1883.

The Boston Chronicle, 1767-1770.

Boston Daily Advertiser, 1813-1820.

Boston Evening Post, 1735-1775.

Boston Evening Transcript, 1854-1899.

Boston Gazette, 1719-[1771-1773]-[1779]-[1786-1787]-[1798].

Boston News-Letter, 1704-1726.

Boston News-Letter, 1757-c.1762.

The Boston News-Letter and New England Chronicle, 1762-1763.

Boston Shipping List, 1858.

Boston Weekly News-Letter, 1730-1757.

Boston Weekly News-Letter, 1768-1769.

Commercial List and Philadelphia Price Current, 1835-1848.

Commercial List and Trade and Statistical Register, 1849-1850.

Cummings' Evening Bulletin, 1851-1856.

Cummings' Evening Telegraphic Bulletin, 1847-1851.

Daily Evening Bulletin, 1856-1870.

Daily Evening Transcript [and] Boston Evening Transcript, 1848-1853.

Essex Gazette, 1768-1775.

Essex Register, 1807-1820.

Evening Bulletin, 1884-1900.

Federal Gazette and Philadelphia Evening Post, Oct. 1, 1788-Mar. 31, 1790.

Federal Gazette and Philadelphia Daily Advertiser, 1790-c.1793.

General Shipping and Commercial List, 1815-1816.

Massachusetts Gazette, 1765-1766.

The Massachusetts Gazette, 1785-1788.

Massachusetts Gazette and Boston News-Letter, 1763-1765.

Massachusetts Gazette and Boston News-Letter, 1766-1768.

The Massachusetts Gazette : and the Boston Weekly News-Letter, 1769-1776.

Moore's Philadelphia Price Current, or Trade, News and Shipping List, 1833-1835.

New England Courant, 1721-1727.

The New-England Chronicle, or, the Essex Gazette, 1775-1776.

New Orleans Commercial Bulletin, 1836-1871.

New York Shipping and Commercial List, 1816-1820.

New York Shipping and Commercial List and New York Price Current, 1824-1894.

Newport Herald, 1787-1791.

Pennsylvania Gazette, 1729-1778.

Pennsylvania Gazette, 1782-1815.

Pennsylvania Gazette and Weekly Advertiser, 1779-1782.

Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, 1870-1884.

Philadelphia Gazette and Universal Daily Advertiser, 1794-c.1800.

Philadelphia Price Current, 1827-1829.

Philadelphia Price Current and Commercial Advertiser, 1829-1831.

Philadelphia Price Current, or Trade, News and Shipping List, 1833.

Philadelphia Price Current, or Trade, News and Shipping List, 1835.

Rhode-Island Gazette, 1732-1733.

Salem Gazette, 1781-1785.

Salem Gazette, 1790-1820.

Salem Impartial Register, 1800-1801.

The Salem Mercury, 1786-1789.

Shipping and Commercial List and New York Price Current, 1824-1894.

The Sun (also Baltimore Morning Sun) 1837-1899.

Turner's New York Shipping and Commercial List, 1820-1823.

Weekly News-Letter, 1727-1730.

The Weekly Rehearsal, 1731-1735.