Boston (Mass) Registry Dept. Annual Reports of the Record of Commissioners

Boston (Mass.) Registry Dept. Annual Reports of the Record Commissioners of Boston, 1876-1909. LaCrosse, WI: Brookhaven Press, 1984.

169 microfiche
Micro Fiche 4794

Keywords: Registers of births, Boston, Massachusetts

In 1875 the office of Record Commissioners was created by the Boston City Council "to complete, as far as practicable, the records of births, deaths and marriages in the town and city of Boston, prior to 1849." Going back as far as the seventeenth century, the Commissioners succeeded in publishing most of the early public records for the port city. These include town records, tax lists, surviving vital records and the Aspinwall Notarial Records. The records provide valuable evidence on the port side dimensions of mariner's lives.

Although there is no guide to the collection as a whole, each report includes an index.

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October 3, 2007
Michael Lonardo