The Naval Office Shipping Lists for Maryland, 1689-1754
The Naval Office Shipping Lists for Maryland, 1689-1754. East Ardsley, Yorkshire: Micro Methods, n.d.
1 microfilm reel
Micro Film 4355
Keywords: Maryland, Shipping, Commerce, Statistics, Great Britain
The Maryland naval office shipping lists are the most complicated of the series. The first volume on the reel can be divided into three groups. First are the naval officers' shipping returns for 1689-1701 for the three ports Patuxent, Potomac and Pocomoke. The second group consists of the tobacco and tonnage duties levied by the colony on the ports of Annapolis, Patuxent, Potomac and Williamstadt. These returns exist for the years 1696-1699. Finally, there are various public revenue accounts for the years 1695-1702.
The second volume on the reel contains the naval officers' returns for the ports of Annapolis and Patuxents for 1754-1764.
A guide to the contents is included at the beginning of the reel.
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October 3, 2007
Michael Lonardo