The Naval Office Shipping Lists for Nova Scotia, 1730-1820

The Naval Office Shipping Lists for Nova Scotia, 1730-1820. East Ardsley, Yorkshire: EP Microform, 1981.

3 microfilm reels
Micro Film 4357

Keywords: Nova Scotia, Shipping, Commerce, Statistics, Great Britain, Naval history, 18th century

As with the other colonies, the Nova Scotia naval officers' returns have only partially survived and the lists are only complete for the years 1749-1766. In Nova Scotia the naval officers were stationed at Halifax, Canso, Cumberland, Sydney, Arichat, Louisbourg, Main a Dieu and Shelburne.

The Naval Office Shipping Lists for Nova Scotia, 1730-1820. East Ardsley, Yorkshire: Microform Ltd., [1981]. Micro Film 4357 Guide

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October 3, 2007
Michael Lonardo