Sectoin 7: Sinn Fein/Republican (34 reels)
77. Reel #1 (of 34)
The Northern Patriot (15 Oct. 1895 - 15 Nov. 1897)
The Shan Van Vocht (15 Jan. 1896 - 06 Mar. 1899)
78. Reel #2 (of 34)
The United Irishman (04 Mar. 1899 - 29 Dec. 1900) (weekly)
79. Reel #3 (of 34)
The United Irishman (05 Jan. 1901 - 28 Dec. 1901) (weekly)
- 05 Jan. 1901 mixed in between 02 Nov. 1901 and 09 Nov. 1901
80. Reel #4 (of 34)
The United Irishman (04 Jan. 1902 - 21 Mar. 1903)
81. Reel #5 (of 34)
The United Irishman (28 Mar. 1903 - 26 Dec. 1903)(weekly)
82. Reel #6 (of 34)
The United Irishman (02 Jan. 1904 - 31 Dec. 1904)(weekly)
83. Reel #7 (of 34)
The United Irishman (07 Jan. 1905 - 14 Apr. 1906)(weekly)
The Republic (13 Dec. 1906 - 16 May 1907)
84. Reel #8 (of 34)
Sinn Fein (Weekly) (05 May 1906 - 26 Dec. 1908)
85. Reel #9 (of 34)
Sinn Fein (Weekly) (02 Jan. 1909 - 31 Dec. 1910)
86. Reel #10 (of 34)
Sinn Fein (Weekly) (07 Jan. 1911 - 28 Dec. 1912)
87. Reel #11 (of 34)
Sinn Fein (Weekly) (04 Jan. 1913 - 28 Nov. 1914)
88. Reel #12 (of 34)
Sinn Fein (Daily) (23 Aug. 1909 - 21 Jan. 1910)
- (the print is faded, so this is difficult to follow at times)
89. Reel #13 (of 34)
Irish Freedom (Nov. 1910 - Dec. 1914) (monthly)
Éire - Ireland (26 Oct. 1914 - 04 Dec. 1914) (daily)
Scissors and Paste (12 Dec. 1914 - 27 Feb. 1915) (daily - mixed)
An Gaedhal (29 Jan. 1916 - 18 Mar. 1916) (weekly)
The Spark (07 Feb. 1915 - 23 Apr. 1916) (weekly)
90. Reel #14 (of 34)
The Irish Volunteer (07 Feb. 1914 - 27 June 1914) (weekly)
- 28 Feb. 1914 not available
- 14 Mar. 1914 not available
- 21 Mar. 1914 not available
- 11 Apr. 1914 not available
91. Reel #15 (of 34)
The Irish Volunteer (04 July 1914 - 22 Apr. 1916)
92. Reel #16 (of 34)
Honesty (16 Oct. 1915 - 22 Apr. 1916) (weekly)
The Hibernian (26 June 1915 - 22 Apr. 1916)
Fianna (Feb. 1915 - Jan. 1916) (monthly)
The Felon Setter (1916)
Irish War News (25 Apr. 1916)
93. Reel #17 (of 34)
Nationality (19 June 1915 - 20 Sept. 1919)
- (29 Apr. 1916 - 17 Feb. 1917 missing)
94. Reel #18 (of 34)
New Ireland (15 May 1915 - 30 Dec. 1916)
- (no May 16)
95. Reel #19 (of 34)
New Ireland (06 Jan. 1917 - 29 June 1918) (weekly)
96. Reel #20 (of 34)
New Ireland (06 July 1918 - 20 Sept. 1919) (weekly)
- (14 Dec. 1918 mixed in with 21 Dec. 1918)
97. Reel #21 (of 34)
Old Ireland (18 Oct. 1919 - 15 Oct. 1921) (weekly)
- (last issues of Old Ireland 22 Oct. - 03 Dec. 1921 not available)
New Ireland (22 Apr. 1922)
98. Reel #22 (of 34)
Young Ireland (21 Apr. 1917 - 27 Dec. 1919) (weekly)
99. Reel #23 (of 34)
Young Ireland (03 Jan. 1920 - 06 Jan. 1923)
100. Reel #24 (of 34)
The Irishman (15 Jan. 1916 - 29 Dec. 1917)
- (monthly to 16 Sept. 1916, then weekly)
101. Reel #25 (of 34)
The Irishman (05 Jan. 1918 - 16 Aug. 1919)
- (04 May 1918 edition - top torn off)
- 16 Feb. 1918 not available
- 02 Mar. 1918 not available
- 23 Mar. 1918 not available
- 06-27 Apr. 1918 not available
- 22 Mar. 1919 not available
102. Reel #26 (of 34)
Irish Opinion (17 June 1916 - 28 Apr. 1917) (weekly)
The Irish Nation (24 June 1916 - 11 Jan. 1919) (weekly)
- (05 Aug. 1916 edition repeated after 26 Aug. 1916)
103. Reel #27 (of 34)
The Phoenix (09 Dec. 1916 - 24 Feb. 1917) (weekly)
The Factionist (27 Jan. 1917 - 06 Sept. 1917) (weekly)
The Harp (24 Mar. 1917 - 07 July 1917) (weekly)
The Republic (21 June 1919 - 20 Sept. 1919) (weekly)
104. Reel #28 (of 34)
An Saoghal Gaedhealach (07 Sept. 1918 - 20 Sept. 1919) (weekly)
105. Reel #29 (of 34)
An t-Oglach (15 Aug. 1918 - 30 Dec. 1922)
- (monthly & biweeky to 02 Sept. 1921, then weekly)
106. Reel #30 (of 34)
An t-Oglach (06 Jan. 1923 - 29 Dec. 1923) (biweekly)
The Red Hand Magazine (Sept. 1920 - Dec. 1920) (monthly)
107. Reel #31 (of 34)
The Irish Bulletin (07 July 1919 - 30 Sept. 1920)
- [Box label reads 07 July 1919 - 29 Sept. 1920]
108. Reel #32 (of 34)
The Irish Bulletin (01 Oct. 1920 - 30 June 1921) (daily)
109. Reel #33 (of 34)
The Irish Bulletin (01 July 1921 - 13 Dec. 1921) (daily)
The Irish Exile (Mar. 1921 and Dec. 1921)
110. Reel #34 (of 34)
The Sinn Feiner (12 June 1920 - 10 Dec. 1921) (biweekly)
- (02 Oct. 1920 issue not available)
- (10 July 1920 issue has been "overprinted with some ensuing loss of legibility") (see pages 1, 4-5, 8-9, 12-13).