New MLA Style

Recently the Modern Language Association published a new MLA Handbook, 8th edition. This new MLA Style differs from the previous 7th edition. Both editions are available in the library. MUN Libraries has completely updated our online MLA guide to reflect the new MLA Style.
Q. What are some of the major changes?
A. MUN Libraries has put together a brief 1-page handout, Changes to MLA Style, summarizing the major changes for you.
Q. I don’t want students to include long URLs in their Works Cited list. What should I do?
A. The MLA Handbook advises students to include URLs unless their instructor specifies not to, and recommends using a DOI number (digital object identifier) instead if there is one.
Q. My students found the library's MLA YouTube videos very helpful. Will you be making updated MLA videos?
A. Hopefully! We have been in contact with CITL about partnering again to film new videos for the MLA 8th edition.
Q. The 8th edition doesn’t have information about how to format a research paper. Where can students find that information?
A. The guidelines are the same as they were in the 7th edition, available in the library. Students can still consult our YouTube video. That topic is also covered online in The MLA Style Centre.
Q. Where can my students get help with using the new MLA Style?
A. The library! Librarians are happy to help students with citing sources in MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian and more.