Update: OA Author Fund

(Re-posted Jan. 10, 2025)
Memorial University Libraries would like to inform its community of researchers that it is discontinuing the Open Access (OA) Author Fund in 2025. Instead, the Libraries will be joining other research institutions across Canada in investing in Canadian Diamond OA journals that do not charge fees to authors or readers. We will also be pursuing additional agreements with publishers for discounted article processing charges and free publishing opportunities. We have many such agreements already in place.
Much has changed in the OA landscape in the 14 years since the fund’s original inception. As OA publishing evolves, we are adapting our methods to effectively support the goal of open scholarship. Libraries and publishers are working together to find innovative ways to make scholarly publishing sustainable and equitable.
Academic libraries, including Memorial University, are uniquely positioned to lead, cultivate, and support OA initiatives. Going forward, we will:
- continue to respond to changes in the OA landscape to ensure sustainability and equitable access to OA publishing opportunities that will in turn showcase the global impact of Memorial’s research;
- continue to align with other Canadian academic libraries and develop greater infrastructure and services to support open education resources, tools and services to make education more affordable, accessible and effective;
- continue to collaborate, support and consult with Memorial’s researchers.