Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon

(posted March 9, 2002)
You can improve the coverage of gender, feminism, and the arts on Wikipedia at our third annual Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon!
Wikipedia is one of the world’s most popular free online research tools - but did you know that a Wikimedia poll in 2011 found that less than 10% of its contributors identify as female? That gender imbalance is reflected in the site’s content. A global project, Art+Feminism, is addressing that issue by holding Edit-A-Thons around the world during the month of March, with more than 11,000 articles improved so far. Art+Feminism is about making Wikipedia a more complete, accurate and representative source of information that acknowledges the important contribution of women, through the arts.
How can you help make the internet a less misogynist place?
Join us on Thursday, March 12 on Grenfell Campus. From 11:30 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. we will be hosting a hands-on instructional workshop in the Library & Computing Building lab (LC 202). Then from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. drop-in anytime to the Ferriss Hodget Library. Organizers, Librarians and volunteers will be on hand to support people in all things Wikipedia, from creating content to updating and editing current pages. No experience necessary. The event will provide reference materials, computers, refreshments and childcare by request.
You can also connect virtually! You can download our Wikipedia Edit-a-thon Instructions.
For media interviews and information:
Larry Weyand -
Crystal Rose -, 709.637.2183