Super Sunday

(posted March 23, 2015)
Super Sunday: Writing, Math, Science, & Research Help All-Day in the Library!
- The Learning Centre’s Peer Tutors
- The Librarians
- Free, healthy “super foods” and study supplies
The library and student services have partnered on a program where students will be able to access writing, math, science and research help in the library during the end of semester at a time when they need it most. Sunday, March 29 (the busiest day of the semester at the library) we will be hosting “Super Sunday”, a day-long event.
This is a trend at other university libraries, as noted in a recent issue of American Libraries Magazine: “The specifics of these events vary, but the core idea is the same: Students gather in the library to study or work on projects late into the night, while library and writing center staffers offer assistance in research, writing, and proofreading, and sometimes professors volunteer their time to provide assignment-specific aid. Many events add snacks, relaxation events, planned study breaks, giveaways, and other nonacademic activities into the mix.”
In addition to Super Sunday, the library will also be providing our Late-Night Hours, staying open until 1:00 am on Friday, Saturday and Sunday for two weekends: March 27-29 and April 10-12.