Open Education Week Events at Grenfell

(posted March 9, 2015)
Open Education Week March 9-13, 2015!
Memorial is celebrating Open Education Week, a global event that aims to raise awareness about the open education movement and its impact on teaching and learning worldwide.
On Thursday, March 12, two cool events will be happening on Grenfell Campus:
Open Educational Resources: Curation Event at the Library!
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Faculty, instructors, learning designers and anyone interested in curriculum design are invited to drop in to an Open Educational Resource curation session. Bring ideas for types of content, or learning objects, you would like to share freely and openly with students and peers, and learn how you can add them to STOR, our learning object repository. Librarians and John Milley from DELTS can help you explore various open repositories. Coffee/tea and snacks will be available. Be entered to win a $100 VISA gift card.
Flipping it: Teaching and Learning in an Inverted Classroom
Facilitator: Rebecca Milley
2:30 - 3:30 pm
FC-2014, Forestry Center
A “flipped” or “inverted” classroom is a learning model in which students learn course content at home before attending a physical class where they discuss, practice, and otherwise engage with that content. In Fall 2014, a flipped approach was used to teach Math 1000 (Calculus 1) at Grenfell Campus. In preparation for class, students watched screencasts of new lecture material, completed short practice activities, and took an online quiz; in class, students participated in instructor-led discussion about the new material and completed additional practice activities with peer and instructor assistance. This presentation will discuss tools for facilitating a flipped classroom (including screencasts, online assessments, and free electronic texts) as well as student response to the flipped format.
Many events are taking place on the St. John's Campus that will be available via live webcast. See the full schedule for details.