Library Services Under Alert Level 2

(posted March 25, 2021)
Starting Monday, March 29, library services available under provincial alert level 2 are:
- Contact-less pickup is available for all library users.
- Bookable, individual on-campus study space is open in the Arts & Science Extension.
- Grenfell library staff are available Monday-Friday, 9:00am-3:00pm by phone 709-637-6236 or email
- Virtual appointments with a Librarian for research and citation help can be booked by appointment.
Non-medical face masks, minimum 2-ply, must be worn at all times. Please complete the daily COVID-19 self-assessment within 24 hours of visiting campus and follow posted instructions and health and safety guidelines.
Our online chat, email, e-reserves, remote instruction, document delivery, copyright support, and purchasing services are still available. We have an extensive collection of online resources, such as databases, ebooks, e-journals, streaming film collections, to support teaching, learning, and research.